Seachoice Replacement Coil Lanyard
Seachoice Replacement Coil Lanyard with 7 Key For Kill Switch
Replace your current or missing kill switch with this highly reliable Seachoice Replacement Coil Lanyard for effective performance.
It's easy to install, and designed to work with most boat systems. This marine lanyard comes with a variety of attachments, so that it can link to your particular switch design.
Wear it on every outing to protect against potentially dangerous situations.
It's easy to install, and designed to work with most boat systems. This marine lanyard comes with a variety of attachments, so that it can link to your particular switch design.
Wear it on every outing to protect against potentially dangerous situations.
Seachoice Replacement Coil Lanyard with 7 Key For Kill Switch
Replacement coil lanyard with 7 keys to fit most models of kill switches
Easy to install
Boat lanyard with 7 key for kill switch
Replacement coil lanyard with 7 keys to fit most models of kill switches
Easy to install
Boat lanyard with 7 key for kill switch